Thursday, July 22, 2010

VIA launch 3 AMOS-5000 development kits

The VIA AMOS-5000 is a chasis kit designed for VIA Em-ITX boards and it comes fitted with a VIA EITX-3000. Now Em-ITX boards can also work with modules that allow you to add more features. There's the EMIO-3110 for multimedia applications, the EMIO-3430 module for connectivity and communications and the EMIO-3210 for industrial applications. They pretty much cover the whole gamit of embedded system uses. Now VIA has put all of these into packages where a developer can get the AMOS-5000 with the Em-ITX board and the module they need. The kit names correspond to the Em-ITX add-on module name, so the one for multimedia has the EMIO-3110 is in the VIA AMOS-5110 kit and so on. Get it? What they've done is put together handy kits to target specific types of projects. Pretty nifty. More in the Press Release.