VIA has manufactured their own embedded motherboards for a very long time now, almost a decade. Technically they don't "manufacture" them, that's outsourced behind closed doors to a Taiwanese motherboard manufacturer, but the boards have carried the VIA EPIA brand name for a long time. Now VIA has struck a deal with Simmtronics Semiconductors Ltd to exclusively manufature VIA products for almost the whole world market. The list from the Press Release is:
"lndia, Srilanka, UK, USA, Thailand, Singapore, Bangladesh, Pakistan, UAE, Dubai, lran, lraq, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Africa, Algeria, Ghana, etc. "
I don't think that Australia is included in that etc - but you never know.
The boards feature specs like EPIA models but they're called SIMM-PCVN1000 etc. The Press Release has highlighted low cost complete desktop PCs with a green computing angle. I'd expect that these models would be quite attractive in developing countries. - Source